Helllooooo girls!
So recently i have been obsessed with Kendall Jenner's fish braid (below)
So why not DIY this fish braid! I will be showing you the step by step on this look! ^_^
1. First of all tie your hair to the side (any side you prefer)
2. Divide your hair in two large sections like this(picture)
3. Pull a strand from underneath the right section then place it over to the left section. Repeat this from the left section to right section. Keep repeating it until you have reached the bottom of your hair. If your hair is layered like mine, some pieces will stick out. Don't get mixed up! ^_^
4. As you can see my fishtail is not perfectly neat and some bits are sticking out from the layered hair. Don't worry if your braid is neat because we will get to the stage where we will have to mess it up a little :D
5. Start pulling out bits of the fish braid to make it messy. I like to start pulling from the top downwards.
6. There you go! You have your Kendall Jenner inspired fishtail braid! You can hairspray your hair so that it does not mess up and stays in place.
I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY, Please hit that follow button as i will be doing more DIY also summer is approaching so stayed tuned for a spring haul ;)
Leave a comment if you have any questions ^_^